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Beaver Island District Library

Library Board Meeting Minutes - February 17, 2011

Minutes of Beaver Island District Library Board Meeting held February 17, 2011

Present: Donna Stambaugh, Krys Lyle, Sally Lounsberry, Lori Souders, Jean Weirenga, Lillian Gregg, Carol Burton

Also Present: Barbara Cruickshank, Phyllis Moore, Don and Joan Vyse, Kathy Tidmore, Jack Gallagher

Call to Order: 4:30 p.m. by Stambaugh

Corrections to minutes of December 17, 2010 meeting: Letter of intent from Adam Anderson for snow removal $75 for use of heavy equipment, $60 for normal equipment, fire escapes  Lounsberry moved to accept the minutes, seconded by Souders. Passed.

Financial Report: Reports handed out. (See attached) No major problems.  We are over budget on three categories and will correct on upcoming budget.  Gregg motion to accept, Lyle seconded. Passed.

Librarian Report: Children’s section complete. Free link to Beaver Island News on the ‘Net on 2 public computers thanks to Joe Moore, display case is now the visual history of the library, over-due notices every Monday has reduced over-due items, no more VHS tapes accepted, selling duplicates, more children’s books thanks to input from Trace Butler, Best Seller list moved to front door area and books on just one arm of center support, updated website to include minutes of meetings


F.O.I.A.:  All we need is to propose language for next meeting for final version. Addition plus postage? Please make suggestions/changes by next meeting and we will add F.O.I.A. to our policies.

Storm Damage: Weirenga said claims department called. We will receive full payment minus $500 deductable.

School/Library connection: Getting kids to take an interest in library. Proposed to M.G. Roe to visit classrooms to read a couple pages to the kids and ask them to come over and read the rest of the book.  Maybe 15 minutes or so. Lyle suggested book fair. Burton stated that Anna Martel picks great books for her school kids.  Burton also said Laura Gibson with the after school program could have library hour once a week.  Burton will talk to Gibson. Lyle suggested a book club.  Developing a summer reading list and get points/ice cream.  Stambaugh will check with teachers about reading list.

Emailing of minutes and agenda: Lyle requested.  Some had trouble getting them via the email but others had to see them through the website. Snail mail will be sent for Gregg and Cruickshank.


F.O.I.A.:  Letter from Tidmore read into minutes (see attached). Weirenga included her response. (see attached).  In our library we know that our librarians do not deal the bookkeeping. We can’t compare services between libraries.

Job Descriptions: Stambaugh will ask the board to approve job descriptions for all on payroll.  Employees need to make a list of duties. By next meeting each employee to have a job description.

Postage:  Doing more inter-loans and either over or under paying for postage.  The cost is stamps on top of the monthly fee of $15.99 from  Weirenga made motion; seconded by Souders. Passed.

Budget Proposal: meeting March 24th.  Do any board members have a wish list?  Cruickshank noted the cement walks out front needs replacing, also around the bike rack.  In spring put it out for bids.  Need to see about replacing Tom Morland benches in the garden.  Lyle suggested Dan Gentle.

Correspondence/Public comment

Joan and Don Vyse compliment library staff for great job and it is a gem of a library. Joan Vyse also stated to please be careful in comparing libraries.  Thanks to Barb for coming back, thanks to Phyllis and M.G. for what they’ve done the past two months. Lounsberry praised library articles in papers.

Adjournment: 5:30 p.m. Motion Gregg to adjourn; seconded by Burton. Passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Phyllis Moore