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Beaver Island District Library

Library Board Meeting Minutes - December 17, 2010

Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees Meeting held December 17, 2010

Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees Meeting held December 17, 2010

PRESENT: Stambaugh, Burton, Wierenga, Gregg, Lounsberry, Souders, Ruis


OTHERS: Cruickshank, Moore, Tidmore

·        Meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by Stambaugh

o   Additions to agenda: snowplow bids and email addresses

o   Motions by Wierenga to approve the minutes as read; seconded by Souder; approved

·        Financial Report: Report is attached to minutes at the library. Motion by Lounsberry to accept the report; seconded by Ruis; approved

·        Librarian Report: Patrons are down as is normal this time of year.  Report is attached to the minutes at the library. Battery back up and new memory for all computers.


·        Stambaugh wants to know about policy for FOIA ( Freedom of Information Act) issues. We can copy township policy for FOIA issues and decide the FOIA officer. Wierenga will bring the language for the next meeting.

·        Storm damage. Insurance cost from storm.  Wierenga will call insurance agent for what is covered: furniture and Jim Wojan crew for cleanup.

·        Snowplowing. Only one bid from Adam Anderson. Wierenga motion to accept; Ruis seconded; approved.


·        School and District Library connection

o   Lounsberry stated that Newport was positive about using the library but doesn’t have time to bring kids over.  After Christmas she will probably bring the kids over.

o   Stambaugh and Lounsberry talked to kids, teachers and parents. Problem in getting kids to bring books back. Frustration of books not flowing back and forth.  Reading incentive programs. Anna Martel enthusiastic about library and would be willing to help pick out young people titles.  Deb Robert suggested using the scholastic book club online which has great prices and levels for preschoolers on up.

·        Support of local businesses. Spent dollars on the island. Trying to use both airlines. Whenever we can lets be in support of them

·        E-mail. Krys Lyle wants email addresses and wants minutes via email to put on township websites.


·        As with all correspondence directed to the library, a letter from Tidmore was read at the meeting and is attached to these minutes at the library. Stambaugh expressed her concern that we don’t know what is being compared.  The board has not researched these figures/comparisons. Wiergenga stated that we do use Quick Books.  We are not in a position to do anything at this moment. In none of our audits we have been commended and never questioned. We have never been flagged as having something out of order. We will address this at the next meeting after the first of the year.  How many are District Libraries? 

·        Stambaugh welcomed Carol Burton as the newest member of the board of trustees.  

·        Gregg made the motion for adjournment at 5:40 p.m., seconded by Burton.  Passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Phyllis Moore